Friday 15 April 2016

Ted Cruz On ‘The Tonight Show’: Does Hilarious Sketch With Jimmy Fallon As Donald Trump

Ted Cruz made his first ever stop by ‘The Tonight Show’ Apr. 14, and finally got to show off his funnier side after so much drama on the Republican presidential campaign trail. Keep reading for more about his hilarious Donald Trump sketch with Jimmy Fallon.

Image result for ted cruz on the tonight show
Image result for ted cruz on the tonight show

 Sen. Ted Cruz, 45, made his debut appearance on The Tonight Show Apr. 14 and host Jimmy Fallon, 41 couldn’t wait to break out his amazing Donald Trump impression and have a “conversation” with his political adversary. The sketch was a perfect set up for Ted to try his hand at humor, and we always love it when Jimmy does The Donald so this was guaranteed comic gold!

Jimmy put on his orange wig and dapper suit to play the billionaire Republican presidential candidate, who in a split screen phones up Ted to offer some advice on his first appearance on The Tonight Show.

“I’ve been on that show many times so I thought I’d help you out and do a pre-interview,” Jimmy’s “Donald” tells Ted, who responds, “I appreciate you being the bigger man,” setting up Jimmy’s next line perfectly. “I’m the bigger man, with the bigger hands…and the bigger, you can’t see me but I’m pointing at my Trump Tower.” Badum-bum! Nice throwback to THAT crazy hands to penis size comparison that was actually brought up in a debate!

“Donald” then asks him, “You’ve already won your home state of Canada, now you’re in my home state of New York City, and people are still mad at you for saying that they had New York values, what did you mean by that?” setting up Ted’s amazingly smarmy response.
“I’m not going to pander to New Yorkers. I love New York City, it is the greatest city in the world with the best looking audiences,” to which he received tons of crowd applause and continued, “So when I said New York Values, I was merely trying to say I value New York, except I was saying it backwards, the way Yoda would say it.”  Yeah, sure Ted!
Jimmy’s Donald proceeded to give Ted some Big Apple advice, telling him, “Like if you’re on the street walk fast, no one likes a slow walker,” and then asked him if he was going to be doing a sketch on the show.
“Are you doing to do a lip sync battle? I’ve got the perfect song, ‘Work,” Jimmy suggested and while the sketch pretty much ended on that note, we would have died if Ted would have given us a few lines of Rihanna‘s hit. Seeing him sing “ner ner ner ner ner” would have been epic!

M2spicers, what did you think of Ted’s appearance on The Tonight Show? Did it make you like him more?



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