Friday 15 April 2016

Fit Friday: 5 Tips to Becoming a Morning Person

We know not everyone is a morning person. I used to envy people who woke up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym before work. How did they do that? Did they go to sleep at 6 p.m.? How did they have the motivation to run, jump, and squat when I could barely brush my teeth?z

Believe it or not, I am now one of those people. While the best time to exercise depends on your schedule and your body, the odds are definitely in favor of morning workouts.
What hacks do people who consistently work out in the early morning use? Here are some small steps to make the transition:

  • Decide the day before what type of workout you’ll be doing
Is this a short workout, like a run? Great, then I know that I will only need something small to eat beforehand (or maybe nothing at all depending on your body.) Is this a strength training workout? Then I know I need to leave some extra time to fuel up with a healthy breakfast before I begin my workout. “Winging it” with your workouts can occasionally work, but in the morning we have places to be and no time to waste!

  • Pick a realistic day.
Pick a day that fits into your schedule. If you know that on Mondays you always have an early meeting, then don’t schedule your first I’m-going-to-be-a morning-exerciser day on a Monday. Make it a day where if you get a little behind schedule—because maybe you slept through that first —you’ll be okay.
  • Do a workout you love
This might confuse some of you if you don’t really use the word “love” in combination with “workout.” If you’d like to make this more than a one-time thing, choose a workout you don’t hate. You might like yoga, spinning, or anything that doesn’t require burpees—whatever it is, do that.

  • Get an accountability partner
This step can really change the way you look at morning workouts. It’s 10 times easier to get out of bed when someone else is depending on you to get your butt to the gym. The process is also a lot more fun when you can text your partner with “uugghhhh” and crying emojis as you both get ready.

  • #TreatYoSelf
New gym outfit? New playlist? I know the more I like my gym outfit and the new Nicki Minaj song I just downloaded, the more excited I am to get to the gym. Whatever it is that gets you going, and up and out of bed—do it!

Remember to ask—what will I gain from staying awake instead of going back to bed? The answer is. . . . a lot. Give these steps a try to become an early morning grinder. Sweat before the sun is up and your body and mind will thank you!

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